Palin & Spears: role models?
So Bristol Palin, the famously unwed teen mom who is the daughter of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, is now the spokesperson for teen abstinence.
If that’s not ironic enough, she’s also been chosen as a Teen Ambassador for The Candie’s Foundation, which educates teens about the consequences of teen pregnancy. But this foundation is part of Candie’s clothing and shoes. And who is the current spokesmodel and “Candie’s girl” for the company? BRITNEY FREAKIN' SPEARS! Yet another paragon of virtue and role model for teenage girls everywhere.
Can we say mixed messages?
And as if it were some cruel joke, when ABC’s “Good Morning America” interviewed Bristol Palin last week about her new abstinence-only activism, the bottom of the screen read: “Bristol Palin one-on-one.”
I thought “Bristol Palin one-on-one” is what got her into this mess in the first place!
So, Bristol is going to go on a big media tour announcing that getting knocked up out of wedlock ruined her life? The kid'll love that when he grows up.
ReplyDeleteAnd of course, all the other 16 year old girls watching will be thinking "she's getting to go on Oprah 'n stuff! How, like, ruined is her life? I could totally, like, do that!"